MP 40 Variant 1 Original VH WW2 Full-Auto machine pistol
(fxo) Haenel C.G. Waffen- u.Fahrrad-Fabrik Suhl
s/n 57### (1941)
cal. 9mm Para
Relatively moderate rate of fire of 500 rounds/minute
Magazine MP38 (fxo) 1941 Type O WaA37
All with the same number and WaA37, WaA44, WaA165
Very nice piece.
First production variant of the MP 40 made by Haenel, serial number 57###, coded 'fxo 41', also known as the MP 38-40.
The magazine housing is smooth, without the round lightening found on the M.P. 38, and without horizontal reinforcing ribs.
The pistol grip is made of stamped sheet steel in two halves, welded together.
The barrel nut is hexagonal.
The gun rest is made of plastic.
Data sheet
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