- Sold

Machine gun MG42 (ar) Mauser WaA26 (DF)1945
Mauser Werke A.-G, Berlin-Borsigwalde
s/n 37##a
8x57 IS
See below for all manufacturing and WaA codes for this MG42.
Beautiful piece
Original WH WW2, Collector
There were many small supplier companies, but they were not responsible for assembly.
For machine guns, the four main production and assembly sites in the German Reich were:
- Mauser Werke Borsigwalde, the Berlin branch of Mauserwerke Oberndorf,
- Maget" in Berlin-Tegel,
- Gustloff Werke in Suhl.
- and in Austria, the "Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG" company.
Based on brief notes taken by the various armaments committees, Rauscher estimated deliveries at around 17,500 pieces per month from January to March 1945, giving a total of 52,500 pieces for 1945.
- 1942 ~ 18'000
- 1943 ~130'000
- 1944 ~200'000
- 1945 ~ 52'500
The "official" total number of MG42s produced during the war was estimated at around 400,000 pieces.
Below are the manufacturing codes and WaA for this MG42 :
Final assembly; DF MG42 37##a (ar) WaA26
Front frame; (arz) WaA1
Cam part (central assembly); 2095 F
Rear housing; (arz) WaA1
Cylinder head; s/n 69## (dfb) WaA4; 8-KW f
Firing pin holder; (bhy)
Ejector; WaA13
Barrel; "a k" (cyq) WaA88
Barrel freight; (cyq)
tube; "a k" (cyq) WaA88, struck 7.9, Gauged Ø7.90
Muzzle brake :
Axcelerator :
Support wedge :
Mouth brake :
Axelerator :
Support wedge :
Top cover ; (cof) WaA147
Feed tray; (cof) WaA147
Cocking lever ;
Cartridge ejection door ;
Barrel door; (cof) WaA147
Cap latch; (cof) WaA147
Trigger housing; (cof) WaA147
Handle plate :
Stock buffer :
Stock; wood
Bipod group; (kur) 44 WaA15
Correspondance des Codes et WaA :
(ar) WaA26 Mauser Werke A.-G, Berlin-Borsigwalde (Be)
(cyq) WaA88 Spreewerke GmbH, metal goods factory, Berlin-Spandau (Be)
(arz) WaA1 Deutsche Kühl-u Kraftmaschinen GmbH, Brand-Erbisdorf plant (Sn)
(cof) WaA147 Carl Eickhorn Waffenfabrik, Solingen (Nw)
(dfb) WaA4 Gustloff-Werke, Suhl (Th)
(kur) WaA15 Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG, Graz plant (At)
Data sheet
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