• Sold

Rare MG34 (Early) 1939 Mauser Werke (S/243) s/n 6xx

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Early MG34 machine gun

(S/243) WaA26 Mauser Werke, Borsigwalde (BE)

s/n 6##a 1939

8x57 IS

3 firing positions: "D" (Full-auto), "D" (Semi-auto), "S" Safe or "F" fire

Rare " Trigger box : WaA26, "Variation 2, intended for mounting the components of the complex "Regler" mechanism (cyclic speed reducer)."

Rare Top cover: "A" WaA39 1938 Rheinmetall-Maget (1st Variant, machined from solid)

Rare Stock "Bakelite with steel reinforced tip".


See below for all manufacturing and WaA codes for this MG34.


Rare and beautiful set

In Very Good Condition.

All Original WH WW2.



MG34 s/n 6##, Manufacturing codes and WaA :

- Front housing: s/n 6##a (S/243) WaA26 1940

- Barrel: Dö 101 (S/243) WaA26 1940 (s/n 4497 crossed out)

- Lower housing: s/n 6##a WaA26

- Breech: s/n 6##; Tête de Culasse (ar) 1941 WaA26; Attelage percuteur WaA26 1er modèle

- Trigger housing: WaA26, "1st model by Poingnée designed to mount the components of the complex "Regler" mechanism (cyclic speed reducer)."

- Top cover: "A" 1938 WaA39 Rheinmetall-Maget (1st Variant, machined from solid)

- Upper feeder: WaA26

- Feed plate: (cof) 1940 WaA883 Carl Eickhorn, Solingen

- Stock piston: s/n 6##a WaA26 (s/n 3439 crossed out)

- Bakelite stock: s/n 3066 "Rare, with reinforced steel tip".

- Bipod group: Steyr (without WaA815 98E markings)

- Portage double leather strap (bla) 1943 WaA159

Correspondence between Codes and WaA :

(S/243) WaA26 Mauser Werke 1938/40, Borsigwalde (Be)

(ar) WaA26 Mauser Werke 1941/42, Borsigwalde (Be)

(A) WaA39 Rheinmetall-Maget 1937/38, Tegel (Be)

(cof) WaA883 Carl Eickhorn 1940, Solingen (NW)

(98E) WaA815 Steyr, Steyr factory, Steyr (AT)

(bla) WaA159 E. G. Leuner, Bautzen (Sn)


There were many small supplier companies, but they were not responsible for assembly.

The four main production and assembly sites in the German Reich were:

- from 1936 to 1943, the "Berliner-Suhler / Gustloff Werke" in Suhl. 

- from 1938 to 42, the "Mauser Werke" in Borsigwalde. 

- 1938 to 43 Rheinmetall - Maget, Berlin-Tegel.

- from 1941 to 45 "Waffenwerke Brünn" in Czechoslovakia.

- In Austria, "Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG" estimated total production at 7,000 MG34.

The "official" total number of MG34s produced during the war has been estimated at around 500,000.


Data sheet

Sub-machine gun & Machine gun
8x57 JS
Particularities according to LArm
Authorization LArm
Exceptional Authorization
Very Beautiful Piece

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